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Protimeter BLD5025 Baseboard Moisture Probe

  • Sale
  • $ 109.95

  • Measure moisture behind baseboard moldings without having to remove them
  • Measure moisture in sill plates by sliding over carpet and under baseboards
  • Insulated probes measure moisture only at the tip, allowing the user to obtain readings at certain depths
  • Threaded base allows for use of an extension handle
  • For use with any Protimeter pin-type moisture meter, including Surveymaster, Mini, Mini C, Timbermaster and MMS meters

The Protimeter BLD5025 baseboard moisture probe is designed to measure moisture behind baseboard moldings without having to remove them, as well as in sill plates by sliding over carpet and under baseboards. These non-invasive Protimeter moisture probes are insulated and feature a durable coating. Measurements are only taken at the tips of the Protimeter BLD5025 baseboard moisture probe allowing users to insert and obtain readings are a variety of depths. The BLD5025 is for use with any Protimeter pin-type moisture meter including Surveymaster, Mini, Mini C, Timbermaster and MMS meters.